Best Colour Performance: all the different images shown on this page are the result of a careful work, extreme attention to details and technologically advanced instruments. We take photos of the original samples with professional cameras and lights: even considering the highest precision possible, in representing the samples, the finished product may present colour variations according to the environment and surrounding lights. You can find more information in the Purchase Section of our FAQ page.
Association between Names and Colours: the names of the colours may not correspond to the real hue of the sample; we recommend to avoid basing your judgement merely on names but to refer to the images as well. For further information please contact our Customer Care.
Natural Materials: the colour and texture of every natural material (wood, leather, stone, ...) depend on the variable nature of the processes and factors which lead to the outcome of the material itself.
Glass: the displayed colours are realistic specifically compared to the photographed material sample: at the same time the performance of the glass exposed to lighting conditions varies according to the thickness and overall dimension of the product