Upholstered Chairs

Comoda sedia con struttura in metallo verniciato per un piacevole effetto visivo, con seduta rivestita in similpelle, velluto o tessuto.

Princess is available for purchase in increments of 2

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From €380.36


Princess è una comoda sedia con struttura in metallo verniciato, rivestita in similpelle, velluto o in tessuto. Compattezza, funzionalità e durabilità coesistono in un unico prodotto. Lo schienale dal taglio moderno rende la sedia ancora più versatile per essere usata in ambienti domestici differenti.
Il contrasto tra le finiture della seduta e la struttura delle gambe crea un piacevole effetto ricercato di particolare impatto. La sedia si adatta appieno al desiderio di ricreare un elegante ambiente giorno e la vasta gamma di finiture garantisce un'elevata personalizzazione.

elegante e pratico rivestimento in similpelle, similpelle vintage o Econabuk Wave, velluto Hollywood e tessuto Joint
versatilità di utilizzo
possibilità di scelta tra i diversi rivestimenti
sedia ideale per arricchire un ambiente giorno ricercato

- cm 49 p.58 h.87
Altezza seduta: cm 46

Materiali e Finiture
- metallo verniciato
- tessuto Joint, velluto Hollywood
- similpelle, similpelle vintage, similpelle Econabuk Wave

Additional Information

Area of Production
Not exportable to the United Kingdom, EIRE and USA.
This product is only available in pair numbers
Cubic Metres
0,14 m³ (per 1 sedia)
Other Products from the same Collection
View all the products of the collection (cod.zam)

Partner Factory

This product is made by an experienced company in Emilia region: its history began in 1960 with the idea of offering to the widest public furnishing accessories that were both beautiful, functional and good value for money. The company's mission is to create furnishing solutions that embellish the environment in which they are placed but are also useful and easy to use. Production focuses on fixed and extendable dining and kitchen tables, wooden and upholstered chairs and armchairs, and coffee tables. Research of materials leads the company to renew its collection every year, proposing up-to-date covers and tables made with tops that are increasingly resistant and in line with current trends.
The more fashionable collections are combined with models with timeless appeal, for modern and contemporary homes.
Dining tables, kitchen tables, extending tables and chairs

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