Modern TV Stand

Porta tv Start con vano a giorno centrale, ante e cassetti; disponibile in diverse finiture e soluzioni cromatiche.

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From €1,430.49


Start è un porta tv con vano a giorno centrale ideale per alloggiarvi decoder o lettori DVD, ante laterali e quattro cassetti.
Il design elegante unito alla qualità di un prodotto 100% Made in Italy, fanno di Start il porta Tv perfetto per soggiorni eleganti (nelle finiture essenza) e moderni dal gusto total look (nei colori laccati).

ampia capacità contenitiva
comodo vano a giorno centrale per accessori
ampia gamma di materiali, finiture, colori e combinazioni cromatiche
altamente personalizzabile

- cm 192 p.52,2 h.50,2

Materiali e Finiture
Porta Tv:
- laccato: opaco / micalizzato / lucido 
- legno: essenza / rovere laccato a poro aperto / rovere spazzolato Fashion Wood
Piano Top:
- in tinta alla struttura
- vetro laccato lucido
Vano a giorno:
- decor tortora / laccato opaco</p

Technical study

Specifiche Tecniche e Dotazioni
Portata massima: 25 Kg
Passacavi: posizionato sullo schienale di fondo del vano a giorno.
Ante e cassetti: prevedono la chiusura assistita
Zoccolo: verniciato moka shine in abbinamento ai roveri Fashion Wood; laccato micalizzato per le strutture in finitura laccato micalizzato; laccato opaco per le altre finiture.

Cassetti disponibili con guide ad estrazione totale.

Additional Information

Area of Production
Easy Assembling
Number of Packages
105 Kg
Cubic Metres
0,74 m³
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Partner Factory

This is an Italian product, born from the experience and manufacturing excellence of a company which has been working in the furniture field since the 50s. A brand from Veneto region, internationally renowned and present in 81 countries worldwide. Its wide catalogue allows to furnish your entire house: wall systems, sideboards, tables and coffee table for the living area; beds, dressers and nightstands, wardrobes and walk-in closets for the night area.

Made in Italy quality is one of this company strengths: all furniture items are designed and manufactured in Italy, and undergo constant quality controls throughout the whole production process. Each item has been created directly from the experience and skill of a variety of designers and craftsmen: a custom made production relying on carefully selected products, and technologies and innovation always up to date. All the steps of the manufacturing process are carried out with utmost environment friendly techniques. This renown company produces high quality furniture able to last through time maintaining its original look and characteristics, and most of all to adapt to the lifestyles and trends of the models, becoming thus suitable for all kinds of houses.

Made in Italy quality furniture for your house living and night areas

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