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Moses è una consolle con struttura in legno massello di noce canaletto o frassino e piano rettangolare o a botte, disponibile in due dimensioni. I diversi materiali a disposizione nella scelta del piano (vetro, legno o marmo) permettono alla consolle di avere una grande versatilità di impiego, mentre le numerose finiture disponibili per la struttura in massello (naturale, tinta o laccata opaca a poro aperto) consentono di creare sempre l'abbinamento perfetto, senza compromessi di stile.Proprio questa struttura centrale è l'elemento chiave di Moses, grazie a sapienti artigiani del legno in Brianza che le hanno saputo dare forme affusolate e dinamiche, non comuni sugli elementi in massello. Il risultato è un impatto visivo leggero e armonioso, ma al tempo stesso solido ed elegante: valori spendibili in un ingresso formale o in un soggiorno dallo stile ricercato come piano d'appoggio.
DimensioniAltezza Consolle: cm 75 comune a tutti i modelli
Materiali e FiniturePiano:- vetro trasparente naturale / bronzato / fumé- legno impiallacciato- marmoStruttura:- legno massello di frassino o noce canalettoBasamento:- metallo verniciato titanio
Material SpecificationsMarble: elegant and refined stone marble, characterised by open veins that sometimes may present some resin based speckles that create a uniform and smooth surface so that the top comes with no irregularities, granting additional structural resistance. Because it is a natural stone that is sometimes more than a million years old, the surface cannot be defined as 'perfect'; each piece is different from the next, depending on the cutting and polishing process. It may have natural micro imperfections, a characteristic of marble and not due to defects. Marble tops are naturally porous: any protective polyester treatment hides this porosity to the touch, leaving all the natural features of the stone visible.
This item is the result of made in Italy handicraft excellence, manufactured by a company which, for more than 20 years, has been working in the hearth of Lombardy region. This product is born from the experience and excellence of this firm, typical of the traditional furniture production in this region, and supported by the idea of supplying well thought furniture pieces, developed and manufactured entirely in Italy. The company philosophy is to create elegant highly characterizing products and tasteful, refined accessories. Focus point of these items is the main role played by wood, matched to the contemporary look of a finish like lacquer, making this collection able to furnish both a modern and a classic house. Design and tradition are wisely merged into an innovative collection.
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