Olos Bergère
Design Armchair

Olos Bergère modern reading armchair by Bonaldo, a reinterpretation of vintage design with high back, swivel base and wooden frame. Optional footrest.

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Olos Bergère di Bonaldo è una poltrona da lettura moderna, con ampio e avvolgente schienale imbottito ed elementi in legno curvato che riprendono e attualizzano il celebre design delle poltrone lounge anni '50.
Dotata di base girevole e coordinabile con il poggiapiedi opzionale, che ne riprende linee e finiture, la poltrona Olos è rivestita in tessuto, similpelle o pelle, con larghi braccioli imbottiti e un funzionale cuscino poggiatesta al centro dello schienale. La seduta bassa (38 cm da terra) e le forme morbide e generose della parte imbottita la rendono la poltrona ideale per momenti di relax e di contemplazione.

comoda poltrona dal design vintage per angoli lettura e relax nel living
base girevole in metallo, elementi strutturali in legno curvato e alto schienale avvolgente
rivestimento personalizzabile in tessuto, similpelle o pelle
coordinabile con il poggiapiedi opzionale e con gli altri complementi della collezione Olos

- cm 92 p.95

- schienale: cm 108
- seduta: cm 38
- braccioli: cm 57

Materiali e Finiture
- tessuto, similpelle, pelle (sfoderabili solo sul poggiapiedi, non sulla poltrona)
- legno
Base Girevole:
- metallo

Technical study

Technical Specification and Equipment
Seat: rmade of moulded polyurethane foam padding in various densities and polyester fibre.
Backrest: in metal with cold-foamed polyurethane and polyester fibre padding.
Structure: curved veneered mulitilayer wood.
Base: matte lacquered metal with four spokes and swivel central pivot.
Upholstery: fabric, faux leather or leather non removable covers.

Additional Information

Mauro Lipparini
Area of Production
Exportable to the United Kingdom or Ireland with restrictions
Cubic Metres
1,1 m³
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Partner Factory

Bonaldo was founded in 1936 and has since expressed itself through furniture and designs that meet contemporary domestic needs. 

The collections feature the use of constantly evolving lines: as a matter of fact one of Bonaldo's main goal is to experiment with new materials and new shapes resulting in an international oriented firm constantly collaborating with famous Italian and foreign designers. The materials used are perfect for the needs of today's market, that is of flexible and innovative furniture, whose style and shapes are highly oriented towards the revisitation of a classic style.
Bonaldo products are the result of a completely Italian production that combines a love of design and a desire to offer high quality furniture.

The Veneto based company is a benchmark of Made in Italy worldwide and boasts the collaboration of international designers such as Karim Rashid and Alain Gilles. Bonaldo's furniture has been featured in many famous television programs. The company participates in major national and international fairs dedicated to furniture and interior design.
In 2010 the Big Table table was internationally recognized as an iconic product. In subsequent years, Bonaldo accessories have improved further in terms of technologies and materials used, winning prestigious awards such as the "Red Dot: Best of the Best" and the "Good Design Award" in 2013 with the Octa table.
Bonaldo: modern and design furniture

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