The website is an E-commerce platform belonging to srl. The use of this site is subordinated to the acceptance of the following Terms and Conditions. If customers do not accept all Terms and Conditions they will not be allowed to use this website and to download materials and information.
Company name: s.r.l.
Operating office address: Via Miglio 1 in Lentate sul Seveso (20823)
Legal office address: Via Nazionale dei Giovi 274 in Lentate sul Seveso (20823)
Italian VAT Reg n.: 06217660965
Registered on the Register of Companies of Milan
UK VAT Reg n.: 162818009
Registered on HM Revenue & Customs
Fully paid-up share capital: € 100.000,00
Brand name "" and all the contents of the website are copyrighted © by srl. which reserves all of its rights. All contents on this website can neither completely nor partially be copied, reproduced, transferred, loaded, advertised or distributed. Private use only is allowed. Public use is allowed as long as it doesn't have any commercial intent. You can load our images and texts on forums, blogs or similar only by quoting the source and link. A commercial use of our contents from field operators or companies can bring to legal actions: our company invests many resources in the development of contents and we're naturally inclined to protect ourselves against all those who uses our work on texts, images and multimedia contents. staff constantly works to keep all information on the website updated. At the same time, due to the huge load of developed contents, it's possible for you to find mistakes or inaccuracies. It's our daily responsibility to keep the website as accurate as possible but it's also the customer's responsibility to contact the Customer Care Team in order to verify all those details considered important for his/her satisfaction.
In the supply of Interior Design Services the intellectual property of the created images and 3D models belongs to srl, which reserves the right to anonymously put them at disposal of other users.
Italian legislative directive 196/2003, namely "Personal Data Protection Code", respecting the arrangements for the protection of individuals and other subjects personal data, wrote text law 675/1996 and other decrees, regulations and ethical codes concerning the processing of personal data. Directive 196/2003 of the Italian Parliament lied down a series of directives aiming at guaranteeing the processing and protection of personal data respecting rights, basic freedom and dignity of natural people, particularly relating to the protection of personal identity. At the same time the decree respects all rights of legal people and of all other organisations and companies. The protection of customers' personal data represents a priority for us. For more information about Privacy Policy please check this link: Privacy Terms.