Wooden Table

Otab large round wooden table available in Ø160 or 180 cm. Central base in wood, top in marble or wood with beveled edges

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From €6,367.31


Otab è un tavolo rotondo di grandi dimensioni proposto nelle misure Ø160 o 180 cm. L'imponenza e la solidità di questo tavolo sono date dal cilindro centrale in legno; un anello in ottone brunito stacca la base da terra e ne disegna il profilo.
I volumi materici e monolitici del basamento si contrappongono in perfetta armonia e proporzione all'essenzialità del piano circolare, che può essere in marmo oppure in legno con bordi massellati. Disponibile come accessorio abbinato il piatto centrale girevole lazy susan in marmo.

tavolo rotondo di grandi dimensioni dai volumi imponenti e dalle geometrie monolitiche
piano in legno di frassino tinto con bordi massellati che disegnano un ottagono
possibilità di piano in marmo in diverse finiture
basamento centrale a cilindro in legno di frassino o noce, impreziosito dal dettaglio in ottone brunito
piatto centrale girevole lazy susan opzionale
design e produzione di qualità Made in Italy

Altezza: cm 75
Spessore Piano:
- legno: cm 3 con bordo massellato e smussato a 30°
- marmo: cm 2 con bordo smussato a 30°

Materiali e Finiture
- legno massello di frassino tinto
- marmo
- legno frassino tinto o noce Canaletto
Dettaglio della Base:
- ottone brunito

Technical study

Specifiche Tecniche e Dotazioni
Optional: piatto centrale girevole Lazy Susan, cm Ø80 o Ø90, in marmo in tutte le finiture.

Material Specifications
Marble: elegant and refined stone marble, characterised by open veins that sometimes may present some resin based speckles that create a uniform and smooth surface so that the top comes with no irregularities, granting additional structural resistance. Because it is a natural stone that is sometimes more than a million years old, the surface cannot be defined as 'perfect'; each piece is different from the next, depending on the cutting and polishing process. It may have natural micro imperfections, a characteristic of marble and not due to defects. Marble tops are naturally porous: any protective polyester treatment hides this porosity to the touch, leaving all the natural features of the stone visible.

Additional Information

Area of Production
Number of Packages
da 132 a 347 Kg
Cubic Metres
da 1,24 a 4,04 m³
Other Products from the same Collection
View all the products of the collection (cod.ptc)

Partner Factory

This article is the result of the expert and meticulous work of an Italian company that has been active in the world of high-end furniture for over one hundred years. Creativity, artisan tradition and international vocation are concepts that have always accompanied the evolutionary process of this reality. Continuous investment in research and development guarantees the use of increasingly advanced materials in terms of functionality and durability, as well as an optimisation of the construction process that reduces production times while guaranteeing a high level of attention to detail and handcrafted quality.

Tables, chairs, stools and armchairs are designed to create a pleasant fusion of materials. Metal, ceramic stone, leather and fabric intertwine in soft, subtle lines, enhancing each other's special characteristics. Each product is conceived and manufactured in Italy to then be offered to an international public increasingly attentive to the quality of Made in Italy furniture that is highly perceptible the moment one comes into contact with any product offered in the catalogue.  

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