Extending Table

Jean design extending table created by Eileen Gray with chromed steel tube structure and black laminate top.

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From €780.52


Jean extending table by Eileen Gray bears the name of her friend and architect Jean Badovici. Inside E1027 villa, the one the two owned, you couldn't find a room without a Jean table, testimony of the great versatility of this model. Jean table is a design product made in Italy, realized by a hand-craft workshop specialized in metal and leather manufacturing.

- rectangular: cm 64 (extended to 128) x 70 x h.72

Top Finish
- black laminate
- white laminate

Structure Finish
- chromed steel tube

The interior designer's opinion
Jean is a slightly lower table than usual (tables normally have an height of around 75-76 cm). This table is small and compact and when closed can be used either with two chairs or, for a more original combination, with two ottomans measuring cm 40 x 40. Maybe choosing a black, white or bordeaux eco-leather cover that will match perfectly with the black laminate top and chromed structure. This last combination offers a perfect balance between the ottoman seat height and the table height.


Eileen GrayEileen Gray had Scottish-Irish origins. When her father died in 1900, she had already been living in London for two years and was attending drawing lessons at "Slade School of Fine Art". She discovered D. Charles laboratory, a painter specialized in lacquer work. She worked with him and learned all the precious fundamentals she then used for the whole period of her professional career. In 1902 she went to Paris where she kept specializing in drawing art and in oriental lacquers. Here she met Sugawara, a Japanese man known for its decorative lacquer work. She was noticed by the great tailor Jacques Doucet, an art collector that hired her to furnish his entire house. She also realized two tables and a screening, her only dated and signed works. Her first big job was Madame Lévy's furniture (the famous hat designer Suzanne Talbot) in Rue de Lota. In 1922 she opened, in the elegant Rue Faubourg St. Honoré, the "Jean Désert" gallery where she displayed and sold furniture, screenings and lamps. After four years of intense studies, advised by theorist Jean Badovici, she built in Roguebrune, on the Mediterranean coast, a house for herself: wide and practical, with many different thoughtful and funny details. Also Badovic apartment in Paris and her second house in Castellar, on the riviera, are proofs of Gray's intelligence and creativity richness. Not long before her death she had the satisfaction of displaying some of her most significant works at "Musée Des Arts Decoratifs" in Paris.

Interior Designer's Opinion

 Jean è un tavolo leggermente più basso della norma (solitamente i tavoli hanno un'altezza tra i 75-76 cm). Piccolo e compatto, da chiuso può essere accostato a due sedie o, per una composizione più particolare, a due pouf cm 40 x 40 in similpelle nera, bianca o bordeaux che ben si abbinano al piano in laminato nero e al cromato della struttura. Quest'ultimo accostamento offre peraltro un perfetto rapporto tra l'altezza di seduta dei pouf e l'altezza del tavolo.

Eileen GrayEileen Gray

Eileen Gray ebbe origini scozzesi-irlandesi. Quando il padre morì nel 1900 si trovava già da due anni a Londra e frequentava corsi di disegno alla "Slade School". Scoprì il laboratorio di D. Charles, un pittore specializzato in lacche. Collaborò con lui e imparò tutto quello che serviva per il periodo della sua carriera professionale.
Nel 1902 andò a Parigi dove continuò a perfezionarsi nell'arte del disegno e delle lacche orientali. Qui incontrò il giapponese Sugawara con cui perfezionò la conoscenza dell'uso della lacca. Venne notata dal grande sarto Jacques Doucet, un intenditore e collezionista d'arte che le affidò il compito di arredargli la nuova casa. Ha realizzato per Doucet due tavoli e un paravento, le uniche sue opere datate e firmate.
Il primo grande lavoro fu l'arredamento di Madame Lévy (la famosa nodista Suzanne Talbot) in Rue de Lota. Nel 1922 inaugurò nell'elegante Rue Faubourg St. Honoré la galleria "Jean Désert" in cui espose e vendette i suoi mobili, paraventi e lampade. Dopo quattro anni di intensi studi, consigliata dal teorico Jean Badovici, costruì a Roquebrune, sulla costa del Mediterraneo, una casa per se stessa: vasta e pratica, con molti particolari ragionatissimi e spiritosi. Anche l'appartamento per Badovici a Parigi e la propria seconda casa a Castellar sulla riviera, testimoniano l'intelligenza e la ricchezza inventiva della Gray. Poco prima della sua morte ha avuto la soddisfazione di una mostra dei suoi lavori più significativi al "Musée Des Arts Decoratifs" di Parigi.

Additional Information

Eileen Gray
Area of Production
Easy Assembling
Number of Packages
1 (cm 78 x 75 x 72,5)
28 Kg
Cubic Metres
0,43 m³
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Partner Factory

This article is the result of the creativity and craftsmanship of a Tuscany-based company, which was born as a proper workshop, specialised in the tubular steel structures of furniture items. The company has combined its excellent skills in handmade manufacturing, which has always been a main characteristic of the furniture business in Italy, with innovative technologies and it has distinguished itself on the market, thanks to a style and an unmistakable offer. The research on materials and innovative mechanical devices, plus the cultural heritage; which only a company, born from a workshop can have; are the defining ingredients of a leading brand in the manufacturing of design furniture inspired by the classic Bauhaus and vintage. The collection includes tables, coffee tables, tub chairs and chairs made starting from the original design by Eames, Van Der Rohe, Eileen Gray, mart Stam, Aarnio, Breuer, Jacobsen, Nelson.

Tables, coffee tables, armchairs and chairs inspired by classic piece of design

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