The Customer must free the room from any impediment and verify if the delivery is feasible by checking the width and height of all passageways by following the criteria found under "Accessible Stairwell".
Inside Deliveries in Italy
Before proceeding with the purchase please read our Procedure for the Reception and Verification of the Products.
For logistic reasons, inside deliveries may take a bit longer than standard curbside deliveries.
The optional Inside Delivery service is intended "one way only" and it refers only to the delivery of the purchased products; returns and replacements are not included in the service, the collection and second deliveries will take place at curbside unless a new service is purchased again.
Accessible Stairwell
For accessible stairwell we mean that the stairwell must allow the passage of the package(s) and the people who will be handling it/them. According to Italian rules a stairwell, in order to be considered accessible, must be:
- minimum 80 cm wide and 210 cm high;
- have a stair landing measuring minimum 80 x 80 cm in case of straight stairs (1);
- have a stair landing measuring minimum 80 x 170 cm in case of two sets of stairs joined at 180°(2);
- have a stair landing measuring minimum 120 x 120 cm in case of two sets of stairs joined at 90°(3).
If the stairwell is accessible but the order contains one or more large volume products, it is up to the customer verify that the stairwell will allow for the movement of the packages. Please find here below some examples of large volume packages:
- big table tops (especially made of glass or stone);We would like to point up that it is up to the customer supply correct information, a partial or non correct information might impede the movement thus all packages that do not pass through stairwells or doors might be left outside the house or at halfway points; in these cases a refund will not be possible.
In case your stairwell is not accessible, please contact our Customer Care.
Surcharges for the handling of Special Locations
The inside delivery service does not take into consideration possible surcharges applied in case there's the need to reach delivery locations requiring special conditions, the use of different means of transportation and other situations that require a customised quote. For example:
1 - deliveries taking place in Areas with Limited Access where there's the need to ask for a special permit for the whole duration of the service
2 - deliveries that require the use of an aerial ladder
3 - deliveries that require to disassemble pre-assembled products to allow their passage
4 - bigger distance from the unloading area to the house than what stated
5 - orders with products composed of single packages weighting more than 70 kg or large volume packages
If you think one of these cases might apply to you, please contact us before the purchase for a better service: should you fail to indicate exceptions before the purchase, the surcharge will be invoiced directly to you at the moment of delivery.