Dining Armchair

Hide-leather small armchair with arms Zuleika by Cattelan. Internal steel structure, upholstered seat and curved backrest joined with the arms.

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From €1,194.12


Zuleika di Cattelan è una poltroncina rivestita in cuoio con braccioli; lo schienale è curvato e si sviluppa lateralmente andando a formare i braccioli. Le cuciture seguono la silhouette della sedia e sono disponibili standard, ossia dello stesso colore del rivestimento, o a contrasto.
Il cuoio è disponibile in tutti i colori del campionario, da quelli più accesi a quelli più tenui, permettendo una vastissima personalizzazione. La sensazione unica che il cuoio restituisce al tatto e alla vista rende questa poltroncina perfetta sia per contesti informali, come un soggiorno, sia per contesti più formali come una sala d'attesa.

poltroncina completamente rivestita in cuoio, seduta con leggera imbottitura
rivestimento in cuoio disponibile in tutti le colorazioni del campionario
versatile e adatta a ogni contesto, da quello domestico a quello aziendale
cuciture standard o a contrasto che seguono forme della sedia

- cm 64 p.58,5 h.79
Altezza seduta: cm 46

Materiali e Finiture
Struttura Interna:
- acciaio
- cuoio

Additional Information

Area of Production
Cubic Metres
0,40 m³
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Partner Factory

This item is the result of the great creative energy of Cattelan Italia, a company from Veneto region, founded in 1979. The initial manufacturing focused on small marble furniture accessories and tables designed for the foreign market. In the 80s the interest of the national market for these refined products increases, encouraging the company to widen its offer of dining tables, chairs, bookcases and accessories for sitting and living rooms.

The house is the symbol of the things most dear to you – Giorgio Cattelan loves to say – a world were you are surrounded by items comforting in both shape and essence. Because for me what is beautiful has to be functional too”. For more than thirty years this brand furnishes both modern and classic houses, while constantly widening the offered items. In 2011 Cattelan assimilate ARKETIPO, a renown company from Florence famous all over the world for the production of design upholstered items.

The company is today present in more than 150 countries worldwide. Cattelan Italia attends every year to national and international furniture fairs, such as Milan's International Furniture Fair, Cologne IMM Expo, the Maison et Objet in Paris.

Their headquarters is developed on 33.000 square metres, a breeding ground of creative minds collaborating with renowned architects and designers.


Cattelan: modern furniture

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