Extending Table

Blossom modern and elegant extending ash table with wooden top and legs. Ideal for living and dining rooms with warm tones.

* Required Fields

  • frassino tinto Beige SG
  • frassino tinto Biscotto SC
  • frassino tinto Moka HJ
  • frassino tinto Grigio Plumbeo HK
  • frassino tinto Wengè HL
  • frassino tinto Carbone HP
  • frassino tinto Noce SN

From €5,610.32


Blossom è un tavolo allungabile in frassino dallo stile senza tempo, ideale da inserire in ambienti moderni ed eleganti dai toni caldi. La lavorazione artigianale si percepisce osservando i contorni del piano e delle gambe, abilmente rifiniti da mani esperte. Le finiture del legno spaziano da colori più scuri a colori più accesi per potersi ben inserire anche in ambienti già arredati. Il meccanismo di allunga in alluminio anodizzato, facile da aprire in pochi secondi, garantisce un'elevata durabilità nel tempo.
Della stessa collezione, la sedia, lo sgabello, il divano e la poltrona sono perfetti da abbinare al tavolo per dar vita ad un ambiente coordinato.

tavolo allungabile fino a cm 250 in legno di frassino
piano nel formato rettangolare
perfetto da abbinare all'omonima sedia
design e produzione di qualità Made in Italy

cm 74
Spessore Piano: cm 3

Materiali e Finiture
Piano e Struttura:
- legno di frassino tinto
Meccanismo di allunga:
- alluminio anodizzato

Additional Information

Area of Production
Easy Assembling
Assembling Instructions
Download the Assembly Instructions
Number of Packages
114 Kg
Cubic Metres
0,65 m³
Other Products from the same Collection
View all the products of the collection (cod.ptc)

Partner Factory

This article is the result of the expert and meticulous work of an Italian company that has been active in the world of high-end furniture for over one hundred years. Creativity, artisan tradition and international vocation are concepts that have always accompanied the evolutionary process of this reality. Continuous investment in research and development guarantees the use of increasingly advanced materials in terms of functionality and durability, as well as an optimisation of the construction process that reduces production times while guaranteeing a high level of attention to detail and handcrafted quality.

Tables, chairs, stools and armchairs are designed to create a pleasant fusion of materials. Metal, ceramic stone, leather and fabric intertwine in soft, subtle lines, enhancing each other's special characteristics. Each product is conceived and manufactured in Italy to then be offered to an international public increasingly attentive to the quality of Made in Italy furniture that is highly perceptible the moment one comes into contact with any product offered in the catalogue.  

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