Big Table
Design Table

Big Table with coloured legs by Bonaldo; fixed or extending dining table; lacquered, solid wood or ceramic stone top.

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Big Table by Bonaldo is a table with coloured legs and a rectangular top in solid wood, wood veneer, lacquer, marble or ceramic stone. The crossed legs are laser-cut and characterised by a unique design proposed in different geometric shapes and colour combinations.
Big Table is also available in an extending model in four measurements equipped with practical independent side leaves which are 20 mm thick and allow you to increase the length of the top with ease, always ensuring excellent stability.

modern and original lines for a young and dynamic look 
base with crossed legs also in a 3-colour pattern
design awarded at Good Design Award 2009
striking look perfect for living rooms or meeting rooms

Materials and Finishes
- matt lacquer
- wood
- ceramic stone
- marble
- painted metal

Information for your Purchase
The overall height of the table and the thickness of the top vary depending on the material and size chosen. You can view the specific figures, model by model, in the Configurator.

Technical study

Specifiche Tecniche e Dotazioni
Il tavolo allungabile è dotato di allunghe dello stesso materiale.

Specifiche Materiali
Legno massello: elemento in legno ricavato direttamente dal taglio del tronco dell’albero; in base al tipo di albero avremo quindi massello di noce, di castagno, di ciliegio, di frassino e molti altri. Il noce americano proveniente da foreste ecosostenibili è un legno molto duro, ideale per realizzare gli elementi portanti dei mobili.
Finitura rovere spazzolato naturale, grigio antracite e noce americano in legno massello; finitura noce canaletto in legno impiallacciato.
Legno con bordi naturali: per ottenere il bordo naturale si usano tavole di legno massello, derivate dalla parte esterna del tronco, che vengono applicate ad un piano in legno massiccio. La successiva impiallacciatura a folding ripiega il pannello di legno su se stesso senza creare tagli passanti e permette di avere negli angoli la continuazione del tranciato.
Pietra Ceramica: realizzati in gres porcellanato accoppiato ad un piano in vetro, i piani in ceramica sono ottenuti con una tecnologia innovativa da una base di materiali inorganici. Questo materiale è dotato di alcune peculiarità che lo rendono ideale per la produzione di piani tavolo: presenta uno spessore ridotto, è resistente a graffi, all'usura, alle alte temperature ed è facile da pulire.
Pietra Argilla spatolata: è un materiale artificiale ottenuto da inerti riciclati che, grazie all'omogeneità delle superfici, risulta impermeabile e refrattario a sporcizia e macchie.

Additional Information

Alain Gilles
Area of Production
Assembling Instructions
Download the Assembling Instructions extending table
from 86 to 367 Kg
Cubic Metres
from 0,37 to 0,98 m³
Other Products from the same Collection
View all the products of the collection (Bonaldo)

Partner Factory

Bonaldo was founded in 1936 and has since expressed itself through furniture and designs that meet contemporary domestic needs. 

The collections feature the use of constantly evolving lines: as a matter of fact one of Bonaldo's main goal is to experiment with new materials and new shapes resulting in an international oriented firm constantly collaborating with famous Italian and foreign designers. The materials used are perfect for the needs of today's market, that is of flexible and innovative furniture, whose style and shapes are highly oriented towards the revisitation of a classic style.
Bonaldo products are the result of a completely Italian production that combines a love of design and a desire to offer high quality furniture.

The Veneto based company is a benchmark of Made in Italy worldwide and boasts the collaboration of international designers such as Karim Rashid and Alain Gilles. Bonaldo's furniture has been featured in many famous television programs. The company participates in major national and international fairs dedicated to furniture and interior design.
In 2010 the Big Table table was internationally recognized as an iconic product. In subsequent years, Bonaldo accessories have improved further in terms of technologies and materials used, winning prestigious awards such as the "Red Dot: Best of the Best" and the "Good Design Award" in 2013 with the Octa table.
Bonaldo: modern and design furniture

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