No-iron bed linen is characterised by a worn and washed appearance. The pure linen yarn of long linden, of Northern European origin and of the highest quality, is treated to give the particular wrinkled effect: the linen therefore does not need to be ironed, on the contrary, the soft and sagging hand is even more beautiful and natural with use. As well as simplifying daily maintenance, linen is totally hypoallergenic, has natural transpiring properties that make it cool in summer, and thermoregulating to maintain body heat in winter.
Available in numerous colour variations, the No Iron Linen bedding includes the sheet set, duvet cover and mid-season quilt. The pillowcases can be either baggy or with ruffles, sartorially finished with a simple hem; the top sheet has the same riveted stitching on the bourdon.
It is possible to purchase the linen in packs with standard finishes and sizes, or choose the customised pack, which allows you to customise both the size according to your mattress and the colour and finish; the loose items also allow you to add a possible pair of pillowcases, or a second sheet underneath with corners, or even to create the set by coordinating several colours.
washed linen set comprising sheet, duvet cover and quilt
special No Iron treatment of the linen for a worn and creased look
customised sizes for single, large single, double and king size beds
possibility to choose from a wide range of colours; quality and tailor-made workmanship
- for mattress: single, large single, French double, standard double, king size and super king size.
Can also be customised.
Materials and Finishes
- 100% pure "vintage" linen
Machine washable - DO NOT iron.
First wash average shrinkage rate: 1%
Purchase Information
Standard linen is only available in certain sizes and in a selection of colours; for a complete choice in terms of size, colour and finish, please configure the customised linen.