Laundry Cabinets

Modern, customisable laundry room furniture

A collection of washing machines units, washbasin units, cabinets and drawers with a modern feel, perfect for setting up a small laundry room inside a bathroom or in a dedicated room. Space-saving solutions that can be freely combined with wall-hung cabinets, open compartments and numerous accessories.

  • Oasis washbasin cabinet for a laundry room

    Oasis Washbasin
    Laundry Vanity

    Starting from €520

    Oasis washbasin cabinet for laundry room: 45, 60, 70, or 90 cm, suspended or floor standing. Washbasin available in ceramic, mineralguss or crystallite.

  • Oasis L04 laundry composition with washbasin

    Oasis L04
    Laundry Vanity

    Starting from €3,420

    Oasis L04 laundry composition with washbasin and mirror. Also features open washing-machine compartments, base units with drawers, and column cupboards.

Indispensable pieces of furniture for a modern laundry

To furnish a laundry room effectively, two basic requirements must be met: The first is the need to incorporate appliances discreetly and elegantly, concealing their presence to avoid clutter.

The most common solution is a washing machine unit, that hides the appliance behind a door, which colour can match the structure or create an interesting contrast with a different colour. An open compartment, without doors or a back panel, is a good alternative: ideal in white minimalist compositions, it will help to blend in the washing machine with the rest of the furniture without completely concealing it.

With more complex structures or less space available, it is possible to insert a column, which covers both washing machine and dryer. This solution allows to reduce the floor space needed to a minimum and gives dynamism to the entire composition, thanks to its vertical shape. Above the two appliances there is still space for a few shelves, for more storage.

The second requirement is a wide surface to organise everyday laundry work. A series of cabinets, baskets and drawers of the same height , placed horizontally next to one another, will create a unique surface where to organise, fold and iron clothes. The composition can be made even better with a ceramic or resin washbasin, available in various white or coloured models, which are durable and aesthetically unique. Wall cabinets, tall boy cabinets and laundry baskets offer other space-saving opportunities to furnish the laundry room in a modern and trendy way.

Laundry furniture online: choose the furniture perfect for you

Explore our catalogue and find the laundry unit that best meets your needs, customised in terms of position, finish and colour. Our handcrafted, high quality, Made in Italy products are fully customisable and just a click away: get ready for a convenient, fast and safe purchase.